Our Mission
Today in Complimentary and Alternative there is an increasing need for international standards of quality control and procedures in training. Therefore ‘The Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences’ was founded in 2011. Siam Reiki is endorsed by ‘The IAHHS’s whose objective is to provide an integrated approach to health care, providing skills and methods to heal the body/mind through traditional health sciences with a framework in education leading to a qualification. This registered training organisation (RTO) supplies credibility to the Healthcare Industry with it’s supporting evidence based research.
Siam Reiki not only heals the mind/body/spirit/emotional connection, restoring balance and health but also delivers world-class training programs that lead to qualifications such as The Siam Reiki Diploma with core and elective subjects..
Siam Reiki was founded by Lee Wei-De in Bangkok, Thailand in 2008 and is dedicated to the healing art of Master Usui, who developed reiki in 1922 in Japan. His teachings have been adpated and spread throughout the world.Whilst there is much debate as to the origins of Reiki, no evidence to date has shown that another country has used or developed an energy transfer therapy or energy science such as the one defined by Master Usui in Japan.He developed aunique method that improves the body and spirit and he shared the science behind this physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing practice.
Reiki is a hands-on therapy and works by expanding the chakras and aura. This in turn intensifies the vibrational frequency of the recipient, promoting a healthier mind, body and spirit. A Siam Reiki therapist acts as a channel so that the energy is transferred to the recipient through the chakras; areas of congested energy are identified, along with the cause (spiritual, mental, emotional or physical) and a timeline may be indicated.
At each level of Siam Reiki training, a Siam Reiki Master Teacher guides the student in the transfer of energy. The teacher observes to ensure that the student’s healing assistants are working through them and that the energy is flowing through the minor and mini chakras in their hands.
Siam Reiki does not ignore those who have previously trained elsewhere:In order to maintain the quality and consistency of Siam Reiki therapists, Siam Reiki offers an assessment procedure with recognition of prior learning.
Today, there are many modalities being used around the world termed as ‘Reiki’ but are not a practical transfer of healing energy. These ‘branches’ of so-called ‘Reiki’ involve some religious belief systems or meditation techniques. Reiki is a holistic health therapy available to everyone regardless of religion race or creed. It became necessary to Trademark Siam Reiki in Thailand to show it’s loyalty to Master Usui’s technique and to the standards assured by his authentic Reiki energy science.
The Siam Traditional Doctors Association (STDA) established by certified traditional doctors, endorsed Siam Reiki to support our natural healing modality and to strengthen the credibility of alternative and Intergrative medicine in our communities. We now have members acting as agents worldwide, holding various training programs and organizing events where people can present different healing therapies and share information with the general public, the government and professionals in the Industry.