Founder of Siam Reiki – Lee Wei-De

   Mr. Steven Burgess aka Lee Wei-De is an accomplished teacher of martial arts and Chi Gong.  At the age of 16, He was studying Kung Fu, and he became a third degree black belt of the Hwarng Do-Dim Mak style of Kung Fu.  Hwarng Do translated, means ‘the path of the flowering man’​; Dim Mak, translated, means ‘nerve touch or touch of death.’  A warrior’s path is a life long path of balancing the healer and the warrior archetypal energies.  Steve respect and appreciation for the martial arts taught by Jok Sang martial arts in Australia lead him to study the healing arts in the Jok Sang teachings of Chi Gong, Massage, Osteopathic Manipulations, Acupressure, Bowen Therapy, Moxibustion, Herbs, Energy Transfer methods, Auric and Psychic Colors, Focus, Meditation, Morals, Pranic Healing, Spirit and Soul. 

The name, Brahmajarn Lee Wei-De, was given to him by a Taoist master during studies of the martial and healing arts; the name translates respectfully as follows, Brahm – Spiritual, Ajarn – Teacher, Wei – Greater, and De – Moral, Spiritual Teacher of Greater Moral.  Mr. Lee Wei-De integrates and combines therapeutic approaches to create healing sessions that are specifically tailored to address the needs of individuals in their healing sessions. 

     A Reiki Master Teacher certified in Australia, founder of Siam Reiki, and member of the World Reiki Confederation, Steve has trained over two hundred student in Siam Reiki, to level three (Master), attuned by the traditional “Usui Shiki Ryoho” Reikiand delivering the personal energy development methods included into Siam Reiki to competently classified as Professional Therapists.  Currently, twenty-nine of his students are qualified Reiki teachers.

In the year, 2010, the Board of Directors of Siam Traditional Doctors Association proudly elected, Mr. Lee Wei-De (Steven Burgess) to be president of Siam Traditional Doctors Association, STDA.  The STDA Board is composed of traditional Thai herbal doctors and its members.     Mr. Lee Wei-De has been living and traveling a path of traditional studying and experiential learning that started in his teenage years and continues today.  He dedicates his free time into research and being a mentor to other teachers.  Mr. Lee Wei-De has developed training programs for teachers, and he has developed course curriculums for various institutions. ​

  He is a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council that was assembled during the Wisdom Gathering of 2012 Holland.  The World Wisdom Council is composed of Wisdom Keepers and Elders who assist and facilitate ceremonies and traditional teachings at World Wisdom Gatherings around the world.  The aim and aspiration of having World Wisdom Gatherings around the world, is to create, develop, and or expand understanding of the common grounds and interests of our world’s community for the good of all beings, and to support all life, for at least seven generations to come.  Thank you, for being.

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedures for Siam Reiki

Siam Reiki has incorporated the Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences policy on Recognition of Prior Learning to provide opportunity and reduce duplicating learning and evident skills. 

Recognition of Prior Learning benefits students in many ways.

1:Eliminates the need to duplicate training that has already been completed.

2:Assists students in establishing areas of strengths and weaknesses in their existing skills and knowledge thus identifying subjects beneficial to aid in personal development.

3: Enables students to complete the diploma in a shorter time span. 

4: Helps to minimize the costs involved

There are many factors which need to be taken into consideration when awarding modular recognition as Siam Reiki is profoundly determined on training its students to  attain competency levels that are in line with current industry standards.  It cannot therefore simply Grant RPL for modules on the basis of a certificate-based transfer.

All students will therefore be required to complete a competency based assessment before recognition decision can be made

The importance of competency based assessment in RPL

Siam Reiki recognises that there are a number of ways that students may have acquired their prior learning this could have been through

A: Formal certified  Academy student studies within a structured educational establishment

B: Formal certified on-the-job training as part of their employment contract

C: Informal non-certified on-the-job training and experience

D: Informal non-certified training experience via Leisure voluntary activities

However the scope of and objectives of skills and knowledge gained from each of the above will vary considerably therefore merely holding a certificate alone having a substantial level of experience or in-depth knowledge of a subject does not automatically assume a student to be competent to standards required by Siam Reiki. Therefore the use of competency based assessment will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate how their skills and knowledge and understanding meet the standards set by Siam Reiki.

Prior learning assessments are in line with the Siam Reiki criteria for each module there for the type of duration of assessment will vary depending on the objectives of individual modules these may include but not limited to the following

A: Written assessment

B: Written assignment

C: Verbal assessments

D: Assessment partial demonstrations

E: All of or a combination of the above

Summary of RPL procedures

All students should initially contact Siam Reiki representative to inform us of the modules for which RPL is being requested.  This can be done by email or telephone

A qualified member of Siam Reiki will then be contacted with a brief initial assessment for each RPL module to  ascertain the level or prevalent skills, qualifications and experience of the student. 

Only a qualified assessor of Siam Reiki can deem the student to have inadequate prior learning for the module in question. The student will be informed at this stage and will therefore be guided in how to complete the full training.

History of Siam Reiki

Today in Complimentary and Alternative there is an increasing need for international standards of quality control and procedures in training. Therefore The Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences’ was founded in 2010. 

Siam Reiki is endorsed by ‘The IAHHS’s whose objective is to provide an integrated approach to health care, providing skills and methods to heal the body/mind through traditional health sciences with a framework in education leading to a qualification.

The training organisation supplies credibility to the Healthcare Industry and certifies Siam Reiki students with it’s supporting evidence based research.

Siam Reiki not only heals the mind/body/spirit/emotional connection, restoring balance and health but also delivers world-class training programs that lead to qualifications such as Siam Reiki Diploma with core and elective subjects. Siam Reiki comes from the bases of traditional “Usui Shiki Ryoho” Reiki.

Siam Reiki founded by (Steve) Lee Wei-De in Thailand in 2008 and is dedicated to the healing art of Master Usui, who developed reiki in 1922 in Japan. His teachings have been adapted and spread throughout the world. Whilst there is much debate as to the origins of Reiki, no evidence to date has shown that another country has used or developed an energy transfer therapy or energy science such as the one defined by Master Usui in Japan. He developed a unique method that improves the body and spirit and he shared the science behind this physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing practice.

Siam Reiki guides students in their own personal growth as the Reiki energy is activated the traditional way students will grow and want to expand the knowledge and experience with energy. Courses include the following to become a Certified Siam Reiki teacher, follow the links to (Steve – Mr Lee Wei-De the Founder of Siam Reiki).

After becoming a Siam Reiki Master/Teacher the development does not stop as teachers can learn how to deliver all the above courses under the guidance of ON LINE teaching direct from Mr Lee (Steve). Certain courses such as Transcending Entities ceremonies, Crystal Gazing, How to see the Aura can only be delivered by Mr Lee, the founder of Siam Reiki and the developer of the training course, usually for safety reasons.

Reiki is a hands-on energy transfer therapy and works by expanding the chakras and aura. This in turn intensifies the spectrum of frequency of the recipient, promoting a healthier mind, body and spirit. A Siam Reiki therapist acts as a channel so that the energy is transferred to the recipient through the chakras; areas of congested energy are identified, along with the cause (spiritual, mental, emotional or physical) and a timeline may be indicated.

At each level in Siam Reiki training, a Siam Reiki Master Teacher guides the student in the transfer of energy. The teacher observes to ensure that the student’s healing assistants are working through them and that the energy is flowing through the minor and mini chakras in their hands.

Siam Reiki does not ignore those who have previously trained elsewhere:In order to maintain the quality and consistency of Siam Reiki therapists, Siam Reiki offers an assessment procedure with recognition of prior learning.

Today, there are many modalities being used around the world termed as ‘Reiki’ but are not a practical transfer of healing energy. These ‘branches’ of so-called ‘Reiki’ involve some belief systems or meditation techniques to activate the reiki energy.

Reiki is a holistic health therapy available to everyone regardless of religion race or creed. It became necessary to Trademark Siam Reiki in Thailand to show it’s loyalty and ethics to Master Usui’s technique and to the standards assured by his authentic Reiki energy science. 

Siam Traditional Doctors Association (STDA) established by certified traditional doctors, endorsed Siam Reiki to support our natural healing modality and to strengthen the credibility of alternative and Traditional medicine in our communities. We conduct programs and research with Siam Reiki and Traditional Herb Medicine Doctors on a regular basis and use state of the art equipment to quantify and monitor outcomes.​

RPL Application

The Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences (here forward IAHHS) recognizes that many Students may have already completed one or more of the modules included within the Diploma courses, and is therefore committed to developing a system that will recognise its Students prior learning achievements in order to avoid students having to duplicate their learning and evident skills.

RPL procedures are as follows:

I. Check the course and course code you are wanting to RPL

II. Prepare all the certificates, supporting evidence of paid or non paid work, reference documents and guarantee persons information.

III. Make appointment time with IAHHS to book the trainer’s time.

IV. Prepare the required fee calculated for each course wanting to RPL

V. Meet IAHHS for the assessment and evaluation report.

There are many factors which need to be taken into consideration when awarding modular recognition, as The Institute is profoundly determined on training its Students to attain competency levels that are in line with current industry standards, it cannot therefore simply grant RPL for modules on the basis of a certificate based transfer. All Students will therefore be required to complete a competency based assessment before the recognition decision can be made.

Muladhara – The Base Chakra

Muladhara or root chakra is represented as a yellow square, with 4 red petals (According to Wikipedia).  

This is the first chakra known as the root chakra  (Muladhara) and is located at the base of the pelvic bone. It  relates to our survival instincts,and to our sense of  grounding and connection of our bodies to Mother Earth.  Ideally this chakra brings us the foundations of health and  the development of spirituality by the stimulation of the  kundalini (soul energy) (Debbie Creagh).

This chakra relates to the physical functions of the Adrenal Cortex, Hormone Cortisone, Skeletal  System, Spine and the balance of Blood Cells including the sex organs such as the prostate and  the ovaries, cervix and Reproductive System.  

Congestion of this chakra can lead to symptoms such as sluggishness, tiredness, weight  problems, skin, bone, teeth and back problems (Lee Wei-Dei).

 (Citing Siam Reiki materials)

Muladhara - The Root Chakra & How to Balance it Easily

The First Chakra – The Base Chakra

Swadhisthana – The Sacral Chakra

Swadhisthana, is symbolized by a white lotus within which  is a crescent moon, with six orange petals (According to Wikipedia).  

This is the second chakra and known as the Sacral Chakra  (Svadhisthana) and is located in the abdomen and lower  back. It’s related to emotions, connecting us to others  through love at a deeper spiritual level with possible soul connections (Debbie Creagh).

This chakra relates to the physical functions of the Small and Large Intestines, Appendix,  Testicles, Ovaries, and inter-relationships with mammary glands in the breasts.  

Congested energy in this chakra can lead to Sexual problems, back problems, problems with  reproductive organs, spleen, and urinary system (Lee Wei-Dei).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Second Chakra – The Sacral Chakra

Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle  with ten petals (According to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the third chakra known as the solar plexus. It  relates to our personal power, self-identity, ego, as well as  our metabolism. It’s one of the first chakras to be affected  when an emotional situation occurs (Debbie Creagh).

This chakra relates to the physical functions of the Stomach, Liver, Large Intestine and Small  Intestine, Pancreas, Outer Adrenal Glands, Heart, Lungs and Sympathetic Nervous system.  Congestion of this chakra can lead to symptoms such as Arthritis, diabetes, digestive disorders,  ulcers, problems with the stomach, liver, colon and intestine. It can also cause anorexia or  bulimia, pancreatitis, gallstones, allergies (Lee Wei Dee).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Third Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra

Anahata – The Heart Chakra

Anahata, is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve  green petals (According to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the fourth chakra and called the heart chakra  (Anahata). It is related to love, self-acceptance, compassion.  A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel  compassion, have a sense of acceptance socially. A  congested heart chakra can lead to feelings of rejection,  jealousy, loneliness and difficulties in relationships (Debbie Creagh).

This chakra relates to the phyiscal functions of the Thymus Gland, Nerves, Heart, Para sympathetic Involuntary Muscles. Congestion of this chakra therefore can result in problems of  the heart, lungs, breast, arms, asthma, as well as allergies and problems with the immune system (Lee Wei-Dei).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Fourth Chakra – The Heart Chakra

Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha is depicted as a silver crescent within a white  circle, with 16 light or pale blue, or turquoise petals ( Accordimg to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the fifth chakra and called the throat chakra (Vishuddha). It relates to  communication, self-expression, identity and creativity (Debbie Creagh). 

This chakra relates to the physcal functions of lungs, vocal apparatus, Larynx, Throat, Thyroid  Gland, Para- Thyroid Gland and Lymphatic System. Congestion in this chakra can result in  symptoms such as stammering, laryngitis, swollen glands and ear problems (Lee Wei-Dei).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Fifth Chakra – The Throat Chakra

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra

Ajna is symbolisedby a lotus with two petals, and corresponds  to the colors violet, indigo or deep blue.  

Ajna (along with Bindu), is known as the third eye chakra and  is linked to the pineal gland which may inform a model of its  envisioning. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland that  produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and  waking up. Ajna’s key issues involve balancing the higher &  lower selves and trusting inner guidance. Ajna’s inner aspect  relates to the access of intuition. Mentally, Ajna deals with  visual consciousness. Emotionally, Ajna deals with clarity on  an intuitive level (According to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the sixth chakra and known as the third eye or Ajna. It is related to physic and  intuitive abilities so allows us to see clairvoyantly and communicate telepathically when  activated (Debbie Creagh).  

This chakra relates to the phyiscal functions of the Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, muscles of the  eyes and brain functions. Congestion of this chakra therefore can result in Poor Vision, Sinus &  Nose Problems, headaches, seizures, learning disability, nerve problems, neurological problems (Lee Wei-Dei).

 (Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Sixth Chakra – The Third Eye Chakra