I recently had reiki treatment with Steve. I happened to be almost 7 months pregnant at that time and the treatment helped to release some lower back tension I’d accumulated as a result of having 2 pregnancies rather close together. The treatment left me feeling calm, happy and stressless. I would recommend this treatment for anyone who needs help letting go of tension anywhere in the body. You’ll be left with a feeling of warmth and well-being.
Lolita Devine
cool, I am finding the self treatments wonderfull, and they have a lasting after effect- that seems to also magically activate the ajna more(i saw spots in the ether, and even seemed to project an image of myself doing something that I know is not good for me)
… im sure this is even stronger when working on other people…
is it ok to give yourself more than one self treatment in a day?- my session seemed to last about one and a half hours… I was in a trance for most of it, and then a few people popped into my head at the end, Im wondering if these may be important people- it seemed like a good realization about somebody who would be a good friend but has been out of touch for a while. Also some others that maybe aren’t good friends to have….anyway it gave me lots to ponder on…
and then I felt content just to relax- not inclined to do a lot- wondering if this is all positive-
like you said reiki developed you, so I suppose reaching theta more will help me understand more about my life’s direction?
Dear Mr. Lee,
Yesterday the doctor informed that my mom’s Xray made on 7 April showed a little improvement. Late yesterday afternoon they made another Xray which we’d know the result soon. Of people in the same health condition and got the same virus as my mom, the doctor said 50% of them would pass. And she said my mom is now right in between, not in the group that will for sure make it, nor the other.
As for our family, we trust in reiki energy. Please know that your help has been so critical to her, since last Monday although the Xray showed unstable result, her condition is a little better, she sleeps better, her breath is more stable, the color on her face is better. I don’t dare to say how she’d become without the support energy from reiki as both the virus and the drugs are very strong for her health condition.
Please keep helping her!! My friend will help me to transfer another 10,000B to you today. It’s a small contribution, and I can’t find words to express my thankfulness. I think the most meaningful and best way to thank you is learning reiki to help others. So sometimes later when I can plan for a week in BKK I’d like to become your student for level 1. I hope I can make it soon.
I wish you and everyone in the center a great day,
Best Regards,