How to see the Aura

Module Name: How to see the Aura      Module Code: TBHSA

Module Duration2 Days 16 Hours
Module Cost: Prices are Country based excl Tax
Maximum Participants: 10   

Pre-Requisites: Not Required
Teacher: Brahmajarn Lee Wei De
Deliver Methods: Guided by Trainer in Progressive Training Methods of evaluation.
Assessment Method: Ongoing assessment with (Verbal, Demonstration including Psychic evaluations)

Learning Outcomes:

​*Breathing exercises to activate the Ajna (Third Eye)
*Eye exercises, muscle training
*Psychotherapy of energy and the affects of the aura
*Introduction to aura and colours
*Introduction to major chakra sensitivity
*Introduction to earth energy
* Introduction to plant energy
*Introduction to mini and minor chakras

(DPA) Meditation

7 day transformational meditation course.  

This progressive meditation takes place over 30 sessions, each session further activating the Third Eye to increase psychic awareness.  

For sensitives and healers, this course will develop a set of psychic skills which can be used on an everyday basis. 

Learning Outcomes:

* Different levels of consciousness   
* How to reach the Theta range of consciousness
* How to establish personal goals 
* Identify the difference between animate and inanimate
* Identify intelligent animate objects 
* How to project intelligence and retrieve information
* How to use psychic skills affectively  
* Universal laws with energy development and skills
* How to use clairvoyance 
* How to use telepathic abilities 
* Interaction with chakra development and 6th sense 
* How to communicate with other energies

The participants will receive a Certification by the Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences (IAHHS).
Practical Details:
Duration: 7 Days and/or (30 Meditations)  
Times: 10am – 6pm
Teacher: Brahmajarn Lee Wei De
Groups: 1 – 5 people per group

Transcending Entities

As Reiki practitioners we are sometimes confronted with lower energies. Some of the people we work with may live in unhealthy environments. Are family members having bad sleep or nightmares? Sudden sharp changes in their mood and a lot of conflicts? Did someone fall sick just after moving into a new place? 
Well, moving out is not the only option! In most cases the energy can be audited and cleared to restore an healthy environment for the occupants. 

This class will lead you to a deep understanding of the Earth energies. With 2 days of practice you will become sensitized to energy lines, underground water and vortexes and be able to detect the presence of lower energies and learn how to release them to where they belong. 

Learning outcomes:

  • Presentation on Earth energies and meaning
  • Water lines and alteration of consciousness
  • Lay lines and alterations of consciousness
  • Vortexes and interaction of water and lay lines
  • Health related issues to different energies
  • Spirit and orbs and science of evidence
  • Soul psychology and spirits interrelationship
  • SIEA Group (Specialists in Energy Auditing) rules and membership
  • Practical experience with tour
  • Practical experience with science and evidence

Practical Details:

Program Duration: 3 days of 8 hours – 24 hours
Group size: From 1 to 10 people 
– Siam Reiki Level 2
– Developing Psychic Awareness (DPA)
Teacher: Brahmajarn Lee Wei De

Siam Reiki Level 3 (Master)


This is the Master level! 

After this level you will be certified as a Siam Reiki Master, and able to start a professional practice of Reiki. 

The students receives 1 day of theory, 1 day of hands-on practice and in total 4 attunements

Pre-requisites: Students must be older than 18 years and competent in Siam Reiki Level 2. There must be a minimum of 6 months from completion of Siam Reiki level 2 and students must have had 30 client experiences performing Reiki therapy (this does not include distance therapy).

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn the differences in energy with a holistic viewpoint.
  • Learn Soul Retrieval and Past Life Treatments.

  • Be able to identify other energies and their meanings.
  • Be able to identify entities within the Aura and Etheric Aura.
  • Learn the Oracles of Energies.
  • Learn how to master the energy and the meaning.
  • Learn the differences between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The participants will receive a Certification in Siam Reiki Master Level 3, which is supplied by the Institute of Applied Holistic Health Sciences (IAHHS).

Practical details:
Duration: 2 Days (16 hours) 
Times: 10am – 6pm
Group: 1 – 8 people per group
Teacher: Brahmajarn Lee Wei De