Anahata – The Heart Chakra

Anahata, is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve  green petals (According to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the fourth chakra and called the heart chakra  (Anahata). It is related to love, self-acceptance, compassion.  A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel  compassion, have a sense of acceptance socially. A  congested heart chakra can lead to feelings of rejection,  jealousy, loneliness and difficulties in relationships (Debbie Creagh).

This chakra relates to the phyiscal functions of the Thymus Gland, Nerves, Heart, Para sympathetic Involuntary Muscles. Congestion of this chakra therefore can result in problems of  the heart, lungs, breast, arms, asthma, as well as allergies and problems with the immune system (Lee Wei-Dei).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Fourth Chakra – The Heart Chakra

Vishuddha – The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha is depicted as a silver crescent within a white  circle, with 16 light or pale blue, or turquoise petals ( Accordimg to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the fifth chakra and called the throat chakra (Vishuddha). It relates to  communication, self-expression, identity and creativity (Debbie Creagh). 

This chakra relates to the physcal functions of lungs, vocal apparatus, Larynx, Throat, Thyroid  Gland, Para- Thyroid Gland and Lymphatic System. Congestion in this chakra can result in  symptoms such as stammering, laryngitis, swollen glands and ear problems (Lee Wei-Dei).

(Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Fifth Chakra – The Throat Chakra

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra

Ajna is symbolisedby a lotus with two petals, and corresponds  to the colors violet, indigo or deep blue.  

Ajna (along with Bindu), is known as the third eye chakra and  is linked to the pineal gland which may inform a model of its  envisioning. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland that  produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and  waking up. Ajna’s key issues involve balancing the higher &  lower selves and trusting inner guidance. Ajna’s inner aspect  relates to the access of intuition. Mentally, Ajna deals with  visual consciousness. Emotionally, Ajna deals with clarity on  an intuitive level (According to Wikipedia).

This chakra is the sixth chakra and known as the third eye or Ajna. It is related to physic and  intuitive abilities so allows us to see clairvoyantly and communicate telepathically when  activated (Debbie Creagh).  

This chakra relates to the phyiscal functions of the Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, muscles of the  eyes and brain functions. Congestion of this chakra therefore can result in Poor Vision, Sinus &  Nose Problems, headaches, seizures, learning disability, nerve problems, neurological problems (Lee Wei-Dei).

 (Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Sixth Chakra – The Third Eye Chakra

Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra 

Sahasrara, which means 1000 petalled lotus, is  generally considered to be the chakra of pure  consciousness, within which there is neither  object nor subject. When the female kundalini Shakti energy rises to this point, it unites with  the male Shiva energy, and a state of liberating  samadhi is attained (According to Wikipedia).

This is chakra seven or the crown chakra (Sahasrara) which relates to our self-knowledge,  consciousness and pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond. When  developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding and spiritual truths (Debbie Creagh). 

This chakra relates to the physical functions of the Brain, Nervous, Spinal Cord, Nerve Fibers,  Pituitary gland. Therefore, some of these symptoms can occur when this chakra is congested:  Migraine, Brain Tumor, Amnesia, Coma, sensitivity to light/ Sound (Lee Wei-Dei).

 (Citing Siam Reiki materials)

The Seventh Chakra – The Crown Chakra 

Vietnam Gathering 2023

“This course is not only about spiritual rituals or developing psychic abilities! This is an event that could change the world, through your personal growth. You can, you are possible and you’re bigger than who you think you are.”

• Place: Sparrows’ Nest, House D128, Thanh Xuan Villa, Thanh Xuan Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | February 18, 2023 – February 26, 2023


Welcome all Souls Open Up, Wake Up,

* If you wish to pursue a new career as a light-worker

* If you wish to develop a healthy physical body, heal emotional wounds, alleviate mental instability, and increase viber, your energy

*If you want to heal yourself, or anyone on this earth you love

*If you want more tools to communicate with spiritual guides to strenthen decisions in life, work, love, …

*If you find yourself worth of an investment

You will like this event, love this event and be extremely excited about it.

? Let me tell you the reasons why:

? Firstly, you will be able to participate in unprecedented Special Courses on Psychic and Healing Skills with the top-rated shamans. Specially Master Steve with healing energy and skill in #SiamReiki class; 30 meditation sessions developing psychic awareness in #DPA class and 7 basic movement in #Qicong that you can practise all life long
? Second, Receive energy and treatment from other Masters
? Third, special class to support for healing treatment like Crystal healing, Pendulumn Diagnosis, Reading information from Master of Wisdom – Angel card … will be taught by Siam Reiki teachers from other countries


? Feb 18 – Feb 19: Siam Reiki Level 1: Self-healing course with white Light Energy (Master Steve)

? Feb 20 – Feb 26: Qigong Class for beginners with 07 practical exercises for lifetime health improvement by Master Lee Wei Dei (Master Steve)

? Feb 20 – Feb 26: 30-guided meditation course to enhance your Psychic ability: Opening Third Eye (Siam Reiki’s most successful and emotional course) – Require Siam Reiki Level 1 up

? Feb 20 – Feb 21: Crystal Healing (for Level 1 Siam Reiki up) – Please contact to check your current level

? Feb 22 – Feb 23: Pendulumn Diagnosis (for Level 2 Siam Reiki up) – Please contact to check your current level

? Feb 27 – 28: Siam Reiki Level 3

? [ NEW ] Feb 18 – 19: Siam Reiki Level 2

? [ NEW ] Feb 20 – 21: Crystal Healing

? [ NEW ] Feb 22 – 23: Pendulumn Diagnosis – to determine the date, time and location of the subject with health, emotional, spiritual or spiritual problems…


? Tuition Fee – Exclusive travel and accommodation fees:

* Siam Reiki Level 1 – 400$
* DPA Meditation Course – 900$
* Basic Qigong Class – 300$
* Siam Reiki Level 2 – 630$ **
* Crystal Healing – 400$ **
* Pendulum Diagnosis – 400$ **

? Special Offer:

1. Classes with ** , 10% off when registering before 23G59 on 03/02/2023

2. New students register for Siam Reiki Level 1 + DPA Third Eye Psychic Skills Meditation Course will be offered free Master Steve’s Basic Qigong Course for (Of note, completion of Reiki Level 1 is a prerequisite for an effective DPA class).

3. Former students who studied Siam Reiki and shared program information about Vietnam Gathering February 2023 : Receive Extra 10% off on all courses

4. Non-refundable- You can transfer to someone else.

To receive more information about other promotions, please contact: Ms Anju – Hotline (+84) 89 850 5135 (WhatsApp/ Line)

You won’t know what you’re missing, let come and join us!


Love & Peace


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• Official info:
• Hotline on Whatsapp/ Viber:
• Email:


Thailand Gathering 2022

Classes In 2022

What is Reiki?

Reiki is….

Level one in Reiki is a form of laying-on of hands. When the hands are on each location on the body and the spirit energy is flowing through the therapist, the key point is to feel when the energy stops flowing to each area where the hand is placed. This will indicate to the therapist that the energy centre has become balanced and energized.

Reiki is in perfect harmony with other healing techniques and practices. It is an energy support system that acts in conjunction with other healing practices such as conventional treatments.
Reiki is a technique for activating and restoring the life-force energy within and around the body. It balances the chakras which are the energy centers of every living person’s body to have a healthier body and mind.

If a client is receiving complimentary and alternative treatments, Reiki should not be combined with these methods as they are changing the energies within the body. Consulting with a qualified Reiki therapist who is able to combine both a complimentary and alternative health package is recommended.

Reiki supports medical procedures and practices and neither conflicts or interferes with corrective treatments. It assists in healing the client’s body quickly and naturally.

Reiki energy can be used on all life forms such as humans, plants and animals and other living forces.

Reiki is a consistent method for relieving and reducing stress, tension and hypertension. It releases the congested energy produced in day to day activities in a pleasant gentle manner, preventing the deepening of tension in the body and mind. Tension and hypertension are associated with disease, illness and crisis.

The therapist has a connection to the client and an infinite supply of intelligent spirit energy which calms the mind and emotions, releasing the client from feelings of helplessness and provides a consistent means of releasing congested energy from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Massage techniques are very powerful and have been used for centuries to promote health and healing. Many recognized training centers have identified that the massage therapist should learn level 1 in Reiki to induce the relaxation process whilst the client is receiving a massage. Although energy is flowing through the therapist during the massage, it is not completing a full Reiki treatment.

It has been proven that learning Reiki will strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is good to do Reiki treatments on ourselves on a regular basis. Reiki is safe to use in any situation whether the client is in hospital, at home or in a spa environment. A Reiki therapist can still provide a treatment regardless.

Reiki energy is available for the rest of your life once you are attuned correctly to Reiki energy by a fully qualified Siam Reiki Master Teacher.

A therapist’s development will be determined by the amount of energy drawn into their body and how sensitive they become to the flow and ceasing of energy through their body.

Free Meditation

Over the years Lee Wei-De has seen many students develop from beginners to more advanced and into Teacher levels in Reiki. Sometimes in their development and searching for desired meditations and experiences it is clear that some meditations are quite dangerous to the well being of the therapist. They could be shown methods that invite lower energy forms around them, like Ouija board  or invocations of lower planes in spirits that proves to be harmful to the therapist they could also become a Trance Medium with what has been mentioned has certainly not proven to be a Reiki therapist.

Below is a guided Meditation from Lee Wei-De, recorded in 2009 in Thailand.
This meditation will create a balance between heaven and earth, healing guides, Soul energy and the blissful state of consciousness that meditation creates. With the Guides from angelic orders protecting you from lower energy realms. Clearing the space of the location you perform the meditation including changing the impregnated energy in the walls to a lighter, cleaner space. THIS MEDITATION IS SAFE
Love and Light Lee Wei-De